- Good Clinical Research Training
This e-learning is mandatory training for all UHN personnel involved in the conduct of research involving human participants. It consists of a web-based online training module and a quiz.
Duration: Approximately 2.5 hours
Course Description:
Upon completion of this training, the learner will be able to demonstrate understanding of the following:
- The principles, practices, and essential document requirements outlined in ICH Good Clinical Practice guidelines for clinical research
- Responsibilities of the Investigator and Research Team in protecting research participants and ensuring the integrity of study data
- Responsibilities of the Sponsor or Sponsor-Investigator
- Responsibilities of the Research Ethics Board (REB)
- Policies and best practices for complying with Good Clinical Practice guidelines at UHN
For an outline of UHN's Good Clinical Research Practice (GCRP) training program please click HERE.
UHN is one of the Member Companies of the TransCelerate Mutual Recognition Program for ICH E6 Good Clinical Practice Training. UHN GCRP Training sample certificate is posted on Transcelerate’s website, which you can see here. Any member of the Mutual Recognition Program (an external party, study sponsor), may recognize UHN GCRP training and relieve investigators of doing their GCP training.
NEW Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Update
As a standing regulatory member of the International Council for Harmonisation (ICH), Health Canada announced the implementation of the Integrated Addendum to ICH E6(R1): Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) on April 3, 2019. These slides provide an overview of ICH GCP E6(R2). All personnel who have completed the UHN GCRP training are recommended to review this presentation and/or complete the ICH GCP E6(R2) Online Course
Have A Question or Two?
Invite the Research Quality Integration team to work with you in identifying impact of ICH E6(R2) on your team and to advise on its implementation.
Please access the link below:
Good Clinical Research Practice (GCRP): Principles eLearning module. - Post-secondary Courses
The Michener Institute of Education at UHN offers a variety of post-secondary courses in the health sciences field. To learn more, visit the Michener's website.
- Internal Training Resources
UHN training resources are available on the research intranet and corporate intranet. UHN trainees, staff and researchers can access these resources when logged into the research network (see the 'Remote Access' page). For more information on how to connect to the research network at UHN, contact Research Information Services.
- Contact Us
If you have further questions about educational resources at UHN, please contact training@uhnresearch.ca.