Dr. Murray (photo: Gordon Murray, Quest in Medicine, The Ryerson Press, Toronto, 1963)
The Murray hemodialysis machine consisted of an electric motor-driven syringe pump system mounted on metal plate and a roll of cellulose acetate casing (photo: UHN)
Patient receiving radiation therapy (photo: National Cancer Institute)

Dr. Vera Peters
Development of lumpectomy for breast cancer, which would later (in 1975) be shown to be as effective as radical mastectomy for breast cancer patients
Dr. Peters assisting a patient (photo: UHN)

Drs. Bill Bigelow, John Callaghan and John Hopps
First external heart pacemaker used in an open-heart resuscitation
Dr. Bigelow at the official opening of the Toronto General Hospital's expanding cardiovascular unit in 1962
Dr. Bigelow, March 14, 1972 (photo: Robert Lansdale photography; University of Toronto Archives. 2014-37-5MS)

Drs. Ernest McCulloch and James Till
Identification of blood forming stem cells—a discovery that enabled the first bone marrow transplants
(L-R) Drs. McCulloch and Till, holding a copy of the original publication (photo: courtesy of Martin Tosoian)

UHN Bone Marrow Transplant Unit
First allogeneic blood stem cell transplant (transplants between unrelated donors)
The transplanted blood stem cells are capable of repopulating the entire blood system (red and white blood cells are depicted in the above illustration)
Illustration of the structure of P-glycoprotein (image: Wikimedia Commons)

Dr. Jack Cunningham
Development of software to control radiation therapy that would become the world standard for the next 20 years
Physicists form the PM Cancer Centre (previously known as the Ontario Cancer Institute) with cobalt radiation therapy equipment. Pictured (L-R) are Drs. Cunningham, Harold Johns, Jan Cederland and John Hunt (photo: UHN)

Dr. Stanley Fenton
Development of improved peritoneal dialysis technique that allows home peritoneal dialysis
Patient undergoing home peritoneal dialysis
(L-R) Dr. Cooper, who led the TGH team that performed the world’s first successful lung transplant on Tom Hall in 1983, reunited with Barbara Hall, wife of the transplant recipient, at the 30th Anniversary celebration. (photo: UHN)
Dr. Mak in the 1980s (photo: UHN)
(L-R) Monica Assenheimer, second single-lung recipient; Tom Hall, world’s first single-lung recipient; and Ann Harrison, world’s first double-lung recipient (Source: Dr. Thomas R.J. Todd)

Drs. T Douglas Bradley and John Floras
Treatment of sleep apnea in patients with heart failure by a mechanical assist device (CPAP) that improves cardiac mechanics and cardiovascular function
(L-R) Drs. Bradley and Floras (photos: UHN)
Dr. John Dick

Drs. Malcolm Moore and Ian Tannock
Development of the world’s first chemotherapy treatment for hormone-resistant prostate cancer
(L-R) Drs. Moore and Tannock (photos: UHN)

Dr. Tirone David
Creation of a heart valve (known as the Toronto SPV) that can be custom fit to each patient and results in faster recovery and shorter hospital stays
Dr. David (photo: UHN)

Drs. Karen Davis, Jonathan Dostrovsky, Bill Hutchison and Andres Lozano
Identification of brain cells that control pain
Illustration of a neuron

Drs. Sidney Kennedy and Andres Lozano
First use of deep brain stimulation to help those with treatment-resistant depression
(L-R) Drs. Kennedy and Lozano (photos: UHN)

Dr. Paul Goss
First alternative treatment to taxol identified for preventing breast cancer recurrence in survivors
Patient receiving chemotherapy

Dr. Steven Gallinger
Genetic test designed to determine if chemotherapy will be an effective treatment for colon cancer
Dr. Gallinger

Dr. Ian Tannock
A drug called docetaxel is found to prolong survival and improve quality of life for prostate cancer patients
Dr. Tannock (photo: UHN Photographics)

Dr. Norman Boyd
Breast density is identified as a major risk factor for breast cancer and later found to be highly inheritable
Dr. Boyd
Dr. Dick (photo: UHN StRIDe)

Drs. Igor Jurisica, Frances Shepherd and Ming Tsao
Discovery of a gene signature that predicts lung cancer patients’ response to chemotherapy in combination with surgery
(L-R) Drs. Jurisica, Tsao and Shepherd (photo: UHN)

Dr. Shaf Keshavjee
First transplant using donor lungs repaired outside of the body (ex vivo) using a newly developed lung perfusion technique
The Toronto XVIVO System (pictured) enables donated lungs to be repaired outside of the body (Photo: UHN)

Dr. Andres Lozano
Deep brain stimulation found to improve memory in patients with early Alzheimer disease
Dr. Lozano (photo: UHN)

Dr. John Dick
Human blood stem cell isolated in its purest form—as a single stem cell capable of regenerating the entire blood system
llustration depicting hematopoiesis—the process through which a single blood stem cell differentiates into other types of blood cell

Drs. Marc de Perrot and John Cho
Radiation therapy prior to surgery found to double survival rates in mesothelioma patients
Drs. de Perrot and Cho