Professor J. Paul Santerre has published >185 peer reviewed publications and is a listed inventor on >60 patents in the area of medical polymers, biodegradation, protein and blood interactions with surfaces, surface modification, regenerative medicine, and drug delivery. This research has led to the training of >70 graduate students, multiple postdoctoral fellows and >130 undergraduates, and >$50M CAD in grant funding. In addition to being a named fellow of many national and international academic bodies, he was co-founder and current co-director of the Health Innovation Hub at the University of Toronto (a student focused entrepreneur training co-curricular program with >120 client health science and biomedical engineering start-up companies to date). He is a co-founder of Interface Biologics and current CSO for the company.
He has received several awards for his innovation and industry related activity including the Governor General’s award for Innovation and the Professional Engineers of Ontario Entrepreneurship Award in 2017. He has recently been awarded the Baxter Chair for Health Technology & Commercialization and the 2018 US Society for Biomaterials Clemson Award for contributions to the literature.