The Krembil Newsletter

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Learn about the latest news and research advancements from the Krembil Research Institute.
Posted On: November 22, 2017

Welcome to the latest issue of The Krembil.

The Krembil is the official newsletter of the Krembil Research Institute (formerly the Toronto Western Research Institute). Research at Krembil is singularly focused on finding innovative treatments and cures for chronic debilitation disorders, including diseases of the brain, spine, bones, joints and eyes.

Stories in this month’s issue:

COMPUTATIONAL POWER GETS A BOOST: Dr. Jurisica appointed at Krembil and brings with him key expertise in computational biology.
IMAGING FACILITY REVITALIZED: Donation enables renovations and acquisition of cutting-edge imaging equipment at Krembil.
LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL: UHN vision scientists discover potential neuroprotective treatment for glaucoma.
EASING THE PAIN: New therapy found to provide relief from painful symptoms of debilitating joint disease.
● TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING: Researchers uncover a pathway that promotes excessive tissue repair and organ malfunction.
PARKINSON STATE OF MIND: Krembil researchers discover a novel brain state that sheds new light on Parkinson disease.

Read these stories and more online here. To read previous issues, see the newsletter archive.