November 2017
UHN Research The Krembil is the official newsletter of the Krembil Research Institute (formerly the Toronto Western Research Institute). It informs the Toronto Western Hospital community, external stakeholders and interested community members about the exciting news and innovative research happening at the Krembil Research Institute.

Stories in this month's issue:

Donald Weaver, PhD, MD, FRCPC, FCAHS
Director, Krembil Research Institute
University Health Network

Computational Power gets a Boost

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Igor Jurisica has been appointed as Senior Scientist at the Krembil Research Institute. As an internationally acclaimed computational biologist, he brings with him expertise in analysis, integration, visualization, and modelling of high dimensional data to facilitate biomarker discovery. [Read More]

Imaging Facility Revitalized

Funding from UHN research grants, the federal government and the Wright family, have enabled the transformation of the Bob and Joan Wright Cell Imaging Facility. Since 2000, the Facility has provided state-of-the-art microscopy capabilities. The improvements include renovations and the acquisition of new, cutting-edge imaging equipment. [Read More]
Light at the End of the Tunnel

UHN vision scientists discover potential neuroprotective treatment for glaucoma. [Learn More]
Easing the Pain

New therapy found to provide relief from painful symptoms of debilitating joint disease. [Learn More]
Too Much of a Good Thing

Researchers uncover a pathway that promotes excessive tissue repair and organ malfunction. [Learn More]
Parkinson State of Mind

Krembil researchers discover a novel brain state that sheds new light on Parkinson disease. [Learn More]

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