Research Spotlight

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Read the latest bi-monthly newsletter that highlights advancements from UHN researchers.
Posted On: August 27, 2019

Welcome to the latest issue of Research Spotlight.

As Canada’s largest research hospital, UHN is a national and international source for discovery, education and patient care. This newsletter highlights top research advancements across UHN and from over 1000 researchers appointed at our institutes.

Stories in this month’s issue:

Changing Practice: Study finds not all cervical cancer should be treated with minimally invasive surgery
Leaving Their Mark on the Brain: Repeated concussions in former athletes linked to high levels of tau protein.
Sweetening the Pill: New pill found to be safe for use in diabetes patients as an alternative to injection.
A Partnership to Make New Medicines: MaRS Innovation launches new drug discovery program based on UHN discovery.

Read these stories and more online here. To read previous issues, see the newsletter archive.