The EMR represents a major resource for research. How is UHN planning to enable efficient EMR data collection?


First, we will optimize the system that we have today. This includes creating an inbox for users, enabling CPOE for patient management and supporting issues in safety and privacy. Second, we will examine parallel processes of other options, including low-cost, open-source and cloud-based models. There are other better options for sustainable EMR models out there beyond the two frontrunners, and we will be looking into these options in order to move beyond the monolithic systems of the past.
Moreover, documentation time for clinicians is a primary concern. We will look into options that can streamline this process in a sustainable way.
There have been major advances in healthcare data sharing. Options that incorporate web-based clinical tools, lab notebooks and educational platforms are of particular interest as these reflect the major enterprises at UHN. Regardless of the model, we will need to remove the IT infrastructure that isn’t of value and refine that which is of value in order to find ways to collect high-quality data in an efficient manner.