Our research at the Neuron2Brain leverages access to the human brain through the surgical treatment of those with epilepsy, with research spanning from single-neuron biophysics to the collective behaviour of the billions of neurons underlying human cognition. This research uses various techniques to interrogate cortical circuits including electrophysiology, behaviour, optogenetics and transcriptomics.

For a list of Dr. Valiante's publications, please visit PubMed, Scopus or ORCID.

Staff Neurosurgeon (Epilepsy Surgery, Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, and Cranial Neurosurgery), Toronto Western Hospital
Gerry and Tootsie Halbert Chair in Neural Repair and Regeneration, Krembil Brain Institute
Director, Surgical Epilepsy Program, Toronto Western Hospital
Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto
Associate Professor, The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Toronto
Faculty Member, Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto
Associate Professor, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto
Co-Director, CRANIA (CenteR for Advancing Neurotechnological Innovation to Application)
Co-Director, Max Planck-University of Toronto Center for Neural Science and Technology
Director, CRANIA Neuromodulation Institute, University of Toronto