My research is focused on the development of novel therapies for multiple myeloma (MM) based on the underlying drivers of the disease. We aim to 1) define cancer subpopulations and the immune landscape associated with resistance to anti-MM therapies and 2) identify and validate novel therapeutic targets.

1) To understand how cancer and non-cancerous cells change when patients undergo cancer treatment, we are using new technology to sequence all genes used by cells that inhabit the BM and the tumour-derived DNA that is circulating in the blood of MM patients to track changes that may be driving resistance. Together, single cell and circulating tumour DNA sequencing technology will enable us to i) understand the effect of drugs on myeloma and myeloma-supporting cells, ii) nominate new treatments or to activate anticancer immune cells, and iii) enable early detection of ineffective treatment so that patients can be moved to more effective drugs.

2) We have previously validated FGFR3 as a therapeutic target in MM and clinical trials evaluating drugs that target FGFR3 are ongoing. We have now identified Tim23 as a new therapeutic target for MM and are conducting experiments to validate drugs that target Tim23 in myeloma models.

For a list of Dr. Trudel's publications, please visit PubMed or Scopus.

Associate Professor, Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto