Mark Bayley is Program Medical Director and Physiatrist-in-Chief at UHN-Toronto Rehabilitation Institute. He is a Professor at the University of Toronto in the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Bayley currently holds the Coriat Family Chair in Rehabilitation Service Innovation at UHN and is the Chair of the Rehab Care Alliance. He has held a number of health system leadership roles including Chair of the Stroke Evaluation Committee at CorHealth Ontario, Brain Injury Committee at Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, the Canadian Stroke Best Practices Committee and the Vice Chair of the GTA Rehab Network. His work has helped redesign rehabilitation systems in Canada. He has led large randomized controlled trials including the Stroke Canada Optimization of Rehabilitation by Evidence (SCORE), Fluoxetine to open the Window of Stroke Recovery (FLOW) study, the Getting on with Life after Stroke and the EVREST (Efficacy of Virtual Reality Exercises using Wii gaming technology in STroke Rehabilitation). He has been very interested in implementing evidence at a health system level in the areas of stroke and brain injury, initially through the development of stroke rehabilitation guidelines, then through a leadership role in the development of the Canadian Stroke Strategy (www.strokebestpractices.ca), a smartphone app to determine post-stroke arm rehabilitation (www.viatherapy.org) and guidelines for concussion and traumatic brain injury (www.braininjuryguidelines.org). He is also actively involved in research to promote neurological recovery.