Dr. Gladman’s research activities span both clinical and translational research with a focus on Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). The PsA Program comprises a web-based database which includes 1600 patients with PsA, as well as 700 patients with psoriasis without arthritis. Using this extensive database, Dr. Gladman has carried out studies looking at early identification of PsA and predictors for outcome and quality of life and function. In her laboratory program, she has performed studies looking at susceptibility genes and biomarkers for disease expression. Dr. Gladman has collaborated in multi-centre studies using genome-wide association studies to identify genes for susceptibility to PsA. The PsA Program is the coordinating centre for the International Psoriatic Arthritis Research Team (IPART).

Dr. Gladman’s research in SLE has included studies describing new clinical features, development measurement tools, and the outcome and prognostic factors for this disease. In 1987, Dr. Gladman established SLICC (Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics) and chaired it for 10 years. The SLICC Group developed a damage index for lupus and validated activity measures, which have allowed for the standardized assessment of SLE. Dr. Gladman has performed several studies identifying patients at risk for developing atherosclerotic disease and identifying methods for improved management and long-term outcomes in these patients.

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For a list of Dr. Gladman's publications, please visit PubMed or Scopus.

Deputy Director, Centre for Prognosis Studies in the Rheumatic Diseases (part of the UHN Arthritis and Autoimmunity Research Centre)
Co-Director, Lupus Clinic, Toronto Western Hospital (TWH)
Director, Psoriatic Arthritis Program, TWH