Aging Well with David Suzuki

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The ‘Nature of Things’ team visited UHN’s rehabilitation facilities to discuss aging research.
Posted On: March 10, 2020
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Dr. Jennifer Campos, the Kite Research Institute Academic Director, with Dr. Suzuki in front of DriverLab.

World-renowned scientist and Nature of Things host David Suzuki visited the cutting-edge simulation labs at UHN’s Kite Research Institute to seek answers to some of his questions around aging well and achieving a better quality of life.

Suzuki, 83, put his sensory and motor skills to the test in the immersive worlds of streetscapes and virtual roads simulated within StreetLab and DriverLab. With the help of UHN scientists and researchers, Suzuki assessed his eyesight, balance and hearing to discover how these factors impact mobility and safety, especially as we age.

He also spoke with the Kite Research Institute Scientist and Academic Director Dr. Jennifer Campos to better understand how simulators like StreetLab and DriverLab help advance research into aging well and safely.

Watch it in the latest Nature of Things episode here.