March 2019
UHN Research The Krembil is the official newsletter of the Krembil Research Institute (formerly the Toronto Western Research Institute). It informs the Toronto Western Hospital community, external stakeholders and interested community members about the exciting news and innovative research happening at the Krembil Research Institute.

Stories in this month's issue:

Donald Weaver, PhD, MD, FRCPC, FCAHS
Director, Krembil Research Institute
University Health Network

New Talent Joins Media Team

On March 11, 2019, Twayne Pereira became Krembil’s new Public Affairs Associate. His scientific knowledge and artistic skills—in photography, videography and graphic design—will help him promote Krembil’s research to the broader community. [Read More]

Solving the Puzzle

New tool could provide insights to make cell therapy an effective treatment for vision loss. [Learn More]
A Pain in the Knee

Severity of osteoarthritis symptoms is linked to predominant types of immune cells in joints. [Learn More]
Cause for Concern

Higher opioid use found in younger, depressed patients awaiting surgery for osteoarthritis. [Learn More]
Comparing Memory Lanes

UHN researchers help to clarify how temporal lobe epilepsy accelerates forgettfulness. [Learn More]

Copyright © 2019, University Health Network, all rights reserved.

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To access previous issues, visit the The Krembil archives.