July 2020
UHN Research The Krembil is the official newsletter of the Krembil Research Institute (formerly the Toronto Western Research Institute). It informs the Toronto Western Hospital community, external stakeholders and interested community members about the exciting news and innovative research happening at the Krembil Research Institute.

Stories in this month's issue:

Donald Weaver, PhD, MD, FRCPC, FCAHS
Director, Krembil Research Institute
University Health Network

Krembil Researcher Retires

After a remarkable career in research and patient care, Dr. Aileen Davis is retiring from her position as a Senior Scientist and Division Head at the Krembil Research Institute, effective June 30, 2020. Dr. Davis has been leading a prolific and impactful research program for over two decades.                     [Read More]

Vision Researcher Recruited

In June 2020, Dr. Karun Singh joined the Krembil research community. He brings with him extensive expertise in neuroscience and stem cell biology; and his research uses innovative experimental models of neurological disease—including lab-engineered brain cells from patients— nd cutting-edge techniques such as CRISPR gene editing. [Read More]

Tracing the Paths to Disease

New study reveals neuropathological patterns in progressive supranuclear palsy. [Learn More]
Stronger Together

Partnership between UHN and company reveals a new putative treatment for spinal arthritis. [Learn More]
Targeting Cancer at Its Roots

Protein in cancer stem cells could represent a new target to treat aggressive brain cancer. [Learn More]
Investing in Infrastructure

The brain adjusts communication speed between its different regions to increase resilience. [Learn More]

Copyright © 2020, University Health Network, all rights reserved.

If you have any feedback about the newsletter, email us at: www@uhnresearch.ca

To access previous issues, visit the The Krembil archives.