November 2022
UHN Research The Krembil is the official newsletter of the Krembil Research Institute (formerly the Toronto Western Research Institute). It informs the Toronto Western Hospital community, external stakeholders and interested community members about the exciting news and innovative research happening at the Krembil Research Institute.

Stories in this month's issue:

Jaideep Bains, PhD
Director, Krembil Research Institute
University Health Network

Celebrating Arthritis Research

On October 13–14, UHN’s Schroeder Arthritis Institute hosted the inaugural International Conference on Arthritis: Convergence of Care, Education & Research.

Recordings from the free virtual event are available online. [Read More]

Seeds of Science

UHN has over 1,300 research trainees—each with a different background, perspective and story to share.

Seeds of Science is a trainee-led podcast that showcases today’s junior researchers and their journeys in science. [Read More]

More than Supporting Cells

Study reveals that astrocytes, a type of non-neuronal brain cell, may play a role in cognition. [Learn More]
Treating Parkinson Disease

Study examines medication type and the time-to-development of disabling complications. [Learn More]
A Joint Discovery

Researchers reveal a mechanism for osteoarthritis in an overlooked portion of the joints. [Learn More]
Moving the Needle

CRISPR gene editing shows potential to treat familial Alzheimer disease in human cells. [Learn More]

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